+44 (0)1223 659363 contact@acep.org.uk

Discover training needs, skill gaps and business risks

100% Online.  Works with any competency framework



  • Lower personal development costs through more focused investments in training
  • Understand and identify a specific skills surplus or deficit across an organisation or cohort
  • De-risk skills gaps
  • Complement Workplace Skills Plans and PDR reviews.
  • Benchmark your performance against other organisations or over time
  • Increase productivity as people are better matched to their roles

Use Cases

  • HR managers can use our online service to identify training needs, deficiencies and priorities.
  • Performance managers can measure how the workforce is improving over time and what the impact of training spend is.
  • Managers can determine if there are any significant workforce risks such as single points of failure.

Our skills audits will help you learn:-

  • The skills deficit levels as a proportion of your participants
  • The rank of existing competency by skills type
  • The perceived relevance of skills to your organisation and participants
  • The variance of competence across similar skills (where weaknesses lie in terms of quality and single point of failure).
  • The overarching training needs and priorities for your organisation
  • The individual training needs and priorities for each participants
  • Insights from patterns of skill distribution, such as where untapped skills lie or the most appropriate way to form new teams.
  • Which employees need the most help

Easy analysis and reporting

Our integrated online dashboard shows you the status of your workforce at a glance