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Skills Assessment


Version 1.0
10/13/2024 03:17:05 am

1.0 Audit configuration

1.1 Participants

This report is for :

1.2 Skills questions

Form number >

The audit consisted of 0 questions arranged in -0.5 themes. These were as follows:-

2.0 Breakdown

This section looks at the individual skills and skill themes to determine the overall training priorities for the individual.

2.1 Training priorities by individual skills

The skill of “” was rated as having the most relevance across the cohort and the skill of “” was rated as having the least relevance across the cohort.

Skills with an average relevance of 4 or lower (suggesting that they are either highly specialised, outsourced, not needed or not applied. ) are: –

The next graph shows the average relevance score for all skills across the group of participants.

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The next graph shows each skill and how they were scored in relation to average proficiency. The skills have been ordered in terms of descending score.

The skill of “” was rated as having the most proficiency across the cohort and the skill of “” was rated as having the least proficiency across the cohort.

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The next graph shows the difference between average relevance and average proficiency. The skills are then arranged in descending order of score. Consequently, those skills which appear near the top of the graph (where relevance is greater than proficiency) are most significant in terms of an overarching training need whereas the skills near the bottom (where proficiency is greater than relevance) are least significant in terms of an overarching training need.

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2.2 Summary table : average score breakdown across entire sample per question

[gap size=”20″]


Relevance avg

Proficiency avg


Gap Affected Skill Avg rel
2.3 Distribution by skills theme

This section contains a number of bubble graphs which show the frequency and distribution results plotted across all participants (anonymised). These can be used as a visual aid to understand if there are underutilised skills as well as monitor trends over time. The size of each circle on the graph is proportional to the frequency at which the particular relevance and proficiency co-ordinate was given across the participants.

Comfort zone where relevance is 5 and above and Proficiency 5 and above
Total number of answers analysed (participants x questions) :0



    Across the full range of skills

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2.5 Confidence per theme

The following graph is a summary of the previous information whereby cohort confidence percentages have been plotted against each skill theme (confidence = percent comfort minus percent problem)

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3.0 Recommendations

3.1 Personalised Training Recommendations

Congratulations, you do not need to embark on any training at this time.